New and Returning Visitors: Which Visitor Type Has Higher EPMV?

In fact, returning users is one of the most important indicators in the statistics collection system, which shows the loyalty of users to the resource. In fact, these are repeated visits to your site from various traffic sources.

Returning visitors are those who were once on the site and returned to it again within a certain period of time.

Big data analytics and statistics by new and returning visitor

Ezoic offers a very interesting product for its users - Big Data Analytics from Ezoic. This product and the ability to obtain full-fledged analytical information on your website, and most importantly, you can use the receipt of this analytics absolutely free of charge an unlimited number of times.

In this analytics, you can see a huge amount of different data, including new and returning visitors, as well as compare which type of visitors has more ERMV.

To find this data in Big Data Analytics, you need to do the following:

  1. Log in to your account from Ezoic;
  2. In the side menu located on the left, select the Behavior item;
  3. At this point, select the option New and returned.

A beautiful and understandable diagram will open, the data can be viewed for a day, a month, and also set up any period of interest.

Chart data overview

Once in this menu, mentioned above, the website owner can see the following analytical information:

In the table below the graph with two lines, you can see all this data in detail. In this particular case, it can be seen that there were 2 million 184 thousand 233 new visitors, while there were only 234 thousand 63 returning visitors. These are quite good indicators.

In the next column, you can see information about the page views of the website. For new visitors, this indicator is equal to 2 million 580 thousand 084, which is 90% of the total number of viewed pages. For returning visitors, the same indicator is equal to 234 thousand 063, 9% of the total number of viewed pages. This is a fairly good indicator, since the percentage of interested returning visitors is positive, and the graph also shows that after the fall of statistics in August, the green line began to grow upward by September. As for new visitors, they are marked with a blue line on the graph, also starting to grow by September.

The next column is the pageviews involved. Engagement affects reach and impressions, and measures the likelihood of targeted actions on your website, such as purchasing an item or completing a registration. For new visitors according to the schedule, this figure is equal to 1 million 322 thousand 215, which is almost 92% of the total. This means that 92% of new users who visit the site are potentially inclined to return to the site because they are interested in the information. For returning visitors, this figure is 123,638, which is almost 9% of the total. This is also a good indicator. If you pay attention to the first column of the table, you can recall that 234 thousand people returned to the site, of which 123 thousand are potentially determined to become customers.

The table also displays the ratio of engaged page views to visits. For new users, this value is 0.6053, which is 1.19% on average. This means that only that percentage of website visitors were actually interested in website content and ads. For returning users, this value is 0.5282, which is -11.70% on average.

The next indicator is the average visit time. For new users, this value is 00:45; for returning users, it is 00:44. Sufficiently positive indicators that indicate that the pages are liked by both new users and those who have already visited your site.

The seventh column is the bounce rate. This is the percentage of visitors who, after visiting the page, do not perform any action (do not go to another page, do not leave comments, do not add a product to the cart, etc.). For new users, according to the table below the graph, this figure is 27.91%, while for returning visitors this figure is 33.80%. From this data, it follows that new users are more interested in the content of the site and are more willing to take some action when they visit it.

Another column in the table is income. For new visitors, it is $ 13.646.16, which is 90.13% of the total revenue. For newly returned visitors, this figure is $ 1.495.02, which is 9.87% of the total revenue. But here it is worth paying attention to the last indicator - EPMV. For new visitors, this figure is $ 6.25, which is -0.27% of the average view, and for new returning users, $ 6.39, which is 1.96% of the average view. It follows from this that, in fact, the returning buyers brought in more income, although this is not noticeable in the total amount of income.

Of course, when considering all this data given in the table and article, it should be understood that this is a special case, and each different website owner will have their own indicators. New and returning visitors have roughly the same EPMV, so it's important to focus on getting visitors whether they've visited the site before or not.

Big Data Analytics from Ezoic

With the help of Ezoic Big Data Analytics, you can increase your revenue and improve your SEO and many other metrics. The income generated can be linked to literally any criterion, for example, income from the number of words or categories.

Ezoic BigDataAnalytics product review

Also, thanks to this product, you can get transparent reporting on advertising: find out how income changes depending on the size of advertising, partners and some other factors.

Income reporting can be obtained in real time, that is, literally every minute you can see how much money the site is currently generating. It is also possible to analyze income by authors, topics and many other criteria. This allows you to find out what attributes and qualities the highest paying content has.

In addition, you can find out which types of visitors are most interested and generate the most ad revenue.

With the help of Ezoic Big Data Analytics, you can connect Google rankings to site data. This will help you to see how ranking positions, CTR and seasonality affect revenue and the number of visits.

You can also find out what the audience likes the most. You can find out if your audience appreciates investments in new formats, a faster site, or changes in layout. In addition, you can understand how much visitors are viewing articles and find out at what points they have the worst experience.

This analytics can be obtained by any site owner for free, simply by registering in the Big Data Analytics system from Ezoic.

Frequently Asked Questions

New or returning visitors have better EPMV?
New and returning visitors have roughly the same EPMV, so it's important to focus on attracting visitors whether they've visited your site before or not.
How to track new users vs returning users metrics?
With Ezoic Big Data Analytics, you can track and analyze all the necessary statistics about your visitors, and you can easily compare new users vs returning users. With this tool, you can increase your income, improve SEO and many other metrics.
Do new or returning visitors generally yield a higher EPMV for websites, and what factors contribute to this?
The EPMV can vary; often, returning visitors have a higher EPMV as they may indicate higher engagement and trust in the content. Factors contributing include visitor loyalty, ad interaction patterns, and the nature of the site's content.

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