YB Digital's Ezoic EPMV Evolution Chart
Metric for revenue optimization
EPMV is a very important metric for running a successful business. This is a must today because in the world of digital publishing, there are so many metrics to track and it's important not to miss anything for a successful business.
This indicator is now very popular for more accurate measurement and optimization of your income.
We always monitor this indicator and show you our reports. But first, let's remind you about the essence of this metric.
Ezoic EPMV by YB Digital in June
EPMV is revenue per thousand visitors. Simply put, this metric measures how much money you make for every 1,000 visitors to your entire website, not just a specific page or ad unit.
The website earned $1,241.03 from Ezoic, $134.48 from Mediation, and 548.96 dollars from Ezoic Premium for the month of June. They monetize their content only through ad monetization. They made a total of $1,924.46 in ad revenue for June. However, the traffic they generated was 337,702 visitors.
This means that for every 1,000 visitors that came to their site, they received $5.7 in ad revenue.
This is an excellent indicator, which is always growing steadily with Ezoic. The chart confirms the data.
The evolution of Ezoic EPMV from YB Digital in a year
The graph data also gives us the opportunity to analyze the metrics throughout the year, the period from July 2021 to June 2022.
We can see a big increase from the beginning of the period until November 2021 - the figure reached $7.38.
And from December 2021, we can see a decline from $7 to $5.74 in January 2022. But already in February and until April 2022, the metric is steadily growing. In April, the indicator reached the level of $6, and further until the current month, we are seeing a slight decline. The June indicator is still at a fairly high level and shows us the stability and efficiency of work from Ezoic.
Benefits of using this indicator
The goal of EPMV is to measure the revenue from your sites as a whole. If you're testing ad layouts on your site and decide to add a few extra ad units for a particular page, then your ad revenue for that particular page may increase.
However, as users find it difficult to consume your content due to ad overload, some of them are dropping ads faster than before. Instead of visiting many more pages and increasing their chances of clicking on your ad, they only visit one page and leave because of the negative experience.
EPMV gives you a complete picture of your business. You can determine if single page layout changes affect your overall ad revenue. Keep in mind that any ad optimization requires testing.
YB Digital's traditional Ezoic EPMV evolution report
You now have a better understanding of EPMV, how to calculate it, and how to get an overall picture of your site's performance.
We showed you the evolution chart of YB Digital's Ezoic EPMV for the year and June itself and explained it in great detail.
As always, we have clearly confirmed the effectiveness of the Ezoic partnership. Look again at the chart and make sure that Ezoic is what you need to optimize your income!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why should you use the EPMV calculator?
- It is very important for a business owner to use an EPMV calculator to run a productive business. Because this indicator will help you determine and control your income.
- Why is the EPMV metric important?
- The EPMV metric shows your revenue per thousand visitors to your site. Therefore, it is an essential metric that measures the amount of earnings per 1,000 visitors to your entire website, not just a specific page or ad unit.
- Can ads harm a site?
- Unfortunately yes. Users find it difficult to consume your content due to ad overload, some of them skip ads faster than before. Instead of visiting many more pages and increasing their chances of clicking on your ad, they only visit one page and leave because of the negative experience.
- What insights can be gained from YB Digital's Ezoic EPMV Evolution Chart, and how can it be used for revenue optimization?
- The Ezoic EPMV Evolution Chart by YB Digital likely tracks the progress of EPMV over time, showing how various optimizations and changes impact overall earnings. Publishers can use such data to identify trends, effective strategies, and areas for improvement in site monetization.

Freelancer, author, website creator, and SEO expert, Elena is also a tax specialist. She aims at making quality information available to the most, to help them improve both their personal and professional lives.