How To View The EPMV Of Pages By Content Age

How To View The EPMV Of Pages By Content Age

Page age is an important parameter that affects rankings.

The age of the pages has a significant influence on the results of the search engine promotion of websites: the easiest way to promote and display in the top search engines is pages that have been indexed for a long time. Considering that the algorithms of the search engines are regularly updated and partially changed, the page remaining in the index means only one thing: the content posted on it meets all the requirements of the search engines, and it will be in the search results above other similar pages.

Big data analytics and statistics by page content age

It is recommended to start website promotion with pages that are at least six months old. The time of the first indexing of the page can be found using a special script in the browser, but there are other, simpler ways.

In order to be objective about SEO analytics, it is important to consider the age of the page from the point of view of the search engine. This aspect is important for the analysis of competing Internet resources, for checking the correctness of gluing mirrors and taking into account the dynamics of content indexing.

The starting point for the age of the page coincides with the date when its address was entered into the archive by the search engine. It should be borne in mind that from the moment a web page is published until it is entered into the search engine's index, it can take a long time. The content will be available to users only after it is indexed.

The age of the site's page must be taken into account for SEO optimization. Older pages have more prospects for top rankings. It is for this reason that it is much more difficult for SEO-optimizers to promote young Internet resources. It is believed that the minimum age for the successful promotion of a resource is approximately six months.

Websites have multiple pages. In order for a resource to get to the top, one of its pages needs to get to the top positions of the search results for a specific user request. At the same time, the search engine independently selects one of the pages of the resource, which to a greater extent corresponds to a certain query.

The age parameter of the pages is one of the points by which search engines rank sites in the search results on the Internet.

Older sites have a higher percentage of user trust than younger ones. If the search engine needs to choose between two equally filled pages, preference will be given to the older one.

So how do you view EPMV pages by age? This can be done using a product from Ezoic - Big Data Analytics. It is worth noting that the information that will be given below is suitable only for one specific site, your indicators will definitely differ.

To get this analytic data, you need to do the following:

  1. Log in to the personal account of the site owner from Ezoic;
  2. In the left side menu, select the Content parameter;
  3. When you click, an additional menu will expand, in which you need to select Content age.

Thus, the site owner is taken to the page with the necessary information. He will see a colorful graph, as well as a table below it, which will contain more complete data.

Graph and table overview

Once in the Content Age tab, the website owner will see the following information in the table:

  1. Content age (weeks);
  2. Page views;
  3. Average page load time;
  4. Page engagement rate;
  5. Bounce rate;
  6. Earnings per content age;
  7. Revenue Per Mille (RPM);
  8. Number of pages;
  9. Exit percentage.

The table in this particular example will include the first four points, on which it will be possible to figure out what information will be available to the site owner in his own account for his site.

Page age 171 weeks

171 weeks is 1197 days, or just over three years. Page views - 5 thousand 371, of the total number of views - this is 0.19%. The average page load time is 01:01, well above the table average.

The page engagement rate is 72.04%, which is the best indicator on the entire page, and this value is several times higher than the average. The bounce rate is very low at 22.72 percent, which is also the best indicator in the example presented. The income that was received from these pages was $ 52.32, which is 0.35% of the total income.

The RPM for these pages is very good at $ 9.74, while the average is only $ 5.33.

The number of pages of this age is 382, ​​which is 0.09 percent of the total number of pages on this site. The exit percentage is 88.05%.

Pages with this age are ideal for promotion.

Page age 173 weeks

173 weeks is 1211 days, or almost three and a half years. Page views - 1 thousand 907, of the total number of views - 0.07%. The average page load time is 01:02, which is also a good result.

The page engagement rate is 71.42%, several times higher than the average for the table. The failure rate is 22.42%. The income that was received from these pages was $ 18.17, which is 0.12% of the total income.

The RPM for these pages is very good at $ 9.53, while the average is quite below this figure.

The number of pages of this age on this site is 168, which is 0.04% of the total number of pages. The exit percentage is 88.15%.

Pages with this age and metrics are ideal for promotion.

Page age 168 weeks

168 weeks is 1176 days, or three years. Page views - 12 266, of the total number of views for the specified period - this is 0.43%. The average page load time is 00:59.

The page engagement rate is 70.88%. The failure rate is 23.77%. The income that was received from these pages was $ 115.09, which is 0.76% of the total income.

The RPM for these pages is also very good at $ 9.38, while the average is well below that.

The number of pages of this age on this site is 679, which is 0.15% of the total number of pages. The exit percentage is 88.14%.

Pages with this age and metrics are ideal for promotion.

Page age 169 weeks

169 weeks is 1183 days, or three years. Page views - 11 147, of the total number of views for the specified period - this is 0.39%. The average page load time is 00:59.

The page engagement rate is 70.84%, a fairly good indicator if you focus on the average value for this parameter in the table. The failure rate is 23.73%. The income that was received from these pages was $ 102.03, which is 0.68% of the total income.

The RPM for these pages is also very good at $ 9.15, while the average is well below this figure.

The number of pages with this age on this site is 648, which is 0.15% of the total number of pages. The exit percentage is 88.50%.

Pages with this age and metrics are ideal for promotion.

Big data analytics from Ezoic

Big Data Analytics is a relatively new product from Ezoic that immediately gained popularity among website owners looking to get quality analytics for their projects. In your personal account, you can find a huge number of statistical parameters that will help you draw a conclusion on what to focus your attention on when promoting a site, and even at what time it is better to do it.

The Ezoic revenue index is a relative indicator of the effectiveness of your project's investments. This is an important indicator, as it shows the level of income received per dollar of investment, taking into account the time value of money.

That is, if your profitability index is greater than 1, then it is considered that your activity (real or potential) is quite effective and you are doing everything right.

With the help of this product, you can find out a huge amount of useful information regarding your website, you can even see how much the site is currently generating profit, and how this parameter is changing. All data is conveniently sorted according to a clear and simple menu, and information is displayed for the user in the form of colorful diagrams, graphs and tables.

Frequently Asked Questions

How important is the age of the site page?
Page age is very important for website ranking. Search engine algorithms better rank pages that have a longer age of existence. That is, such a page with quality content that meets all the requirements of search engines will be in the top search results.
How to find out EPMV by page age?
This can be done using Ezoic's Big Data Analytics product. In order to get these analytics, you need to be logged into the Ezoic site owner's personal account. In the left side menu, select the Content option and when clicked, an additional menu will open in which you need to select the Age of the content.
How can publishers assess the EPMV of web pages based on the age of the content?
Publishers can track the EPMV of pages by content age using analytics platforms by categorizing content into age groups (e.g., 1 month, 6 months, 1 year old) and measuring the ad revenue and visitor metrics for these groups. This helps in understanding how content performance changes over time.

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